Friday, June 25, 2010

My Dream Truck When We Find Our Antebellum Plantation Home

Is This Not Just Way Cool!

My Mr. and I soon will be moving as they have put the home we
live in up for a quick sale. Just like we needed another blow! My
husbands company is going to be selling by the end of the year, so
if we can make it here until then, that would be perfect! Once the
company sells we will be ready to buy our dream home if we have
time to find it before we have to leave here. We have been looking
for, for sometime now an antebellum style plantation home with
some acres to it, and also some history attached to it in South
Carolina and Georgia. We would love to find one that had survived the
Civil War era as we so love the history of those times. Anyway one
thing I told my Mr. I would like is an old  Ford truck just like the ones
that I remember my grandfather driving. I'm such a country girl at heart.
 I think they are so cool! This is about 12 years older than the one my
grandfather had when  I was born but ohhh, I so love it! 

1941 Ford......I think I want mine to be a bright fire engine red or paint it
to look like my all time favorite guy ... Mater!

but I really love this guy! A bit beat up but I love how it looks like
Mater in cars, he's my favorite!

When I find my truck...I will dub it Mater! :)

TaTa for now! Have a fab weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, Debi, I love those trucks! Thanks so much for coming to my blog...I also put your name in for a drawing I posted tonight for a brand-new necklace I finished this evening....I've got a picture of it on there...

    Thank you so much for your kind comments--I was overwhelmed!! I don't know if you linked to my website...(there's a link to it there.)

    I still can't get over your amazing dresses!!! You are so blessed with talent....
    My prayers are with your husband for his speedy recovery...God bless you both.


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